Laymans Report

Laymans Report of LIFE HUELLAS project is now on-line. This report explains in a few pages and in a simple and informative way, the most important details of the project. The Laymans Report (English and Spanish) is available clicking here.

9th Project Coordination Meeting

Last coordination meeting before project ends. Partners have met at University of Granada facilities, CITIC (ICT Research Center). This coordination meeting has been useful for LIFE HUELLAS tool validation, and for monitoring of pilot test at high speed line sector...

Work on High Speed line to Galicia region restarted

Great news for LIFE HUELLAS project. Work on high speed line to Galicia region, Spain, have been restarted. Thus, infrastructure pilot test is ongoing. Stay tunned to the new issue of LIFE HUELLAS Newsletter where obtained results will be published.

3rd Project Monitoring Meeting

Another monitoring meeting of LIFE HUELLAS project was held today, with the presence of all project partners. The monitoring team has reviewed project progress, both technically and financially. The aim of the project is that railway infrastructure construction...